Cocos Island Trips
For many people, the prospect of liveaboard diving around Cocos seems like a distant ambition. However it is easily done. You simply need to decide that you deserve to be surrounded by thousands of fish, hundreds of hammerhead sharks, dolphins or silky sharks, in a location in the middle of nowhere with few other divers. Those who have dived Cocos share the opinion that it is one of the very few places on earth that can provide such a treasured experience
Bajo Alcyone is a submerged seamount, unsurpassed as the place to be treated to more hammerhead sharks than you will ever see anywhere else. The marine life at this remote site is mostly unafraid of scuba divers and the sharks and rays will swim within metres of you as they come in to be serviced at the many cleaning stations.
The large boulders and pinnacles break the surface at the very popular dive site of Dirty Rock. Below the surface the channel is calmer, protected as it is by the rock formations, making it more accessible to less advanced divers. The hammerhead sharks and marbled rays are the main attractions with large shoals of bigeye jacks followed by hunting tuna.
Scuba divers are expected to be experienced as some of the sites are deep and strong current is often present. Many of the dives will be quite relaxed too. Cocos Island may not be for beginner divers, but as long as you are comfortable in different conditions, you will love the diving here. What's more, thrilling encounters with large and dangerous predators are likely, including tiger sharks, hammerheads and Galapagos sharks; divers must be happy to see them!. [More details on these dive sites:
If you have dived several places and feel it is time to treat yourself to somewhere truly spectacular and to somewhere you can look back on all your life, then it is time to give Costa Rica liveaboard diving some serious thought. For men and women, young and old alike, Cocos has become a 'must visit' destination, and it is a very popular destination with limited spaces. So we recommend you book many months in advance of your travel dates to avoid disappointment.
Most liveaboard diving trips to Cocos Island run for 10 nights as the tour includes a 1½ days cruise out there, and the same on return. This gives you plenty of time to make sure your equipment is in order, to get to know the other boys and girls on board and learn more about the island's history and eco-system from the on board information.
The boats tend to be relatively high-spec to cope with the potential demands of operating in such a remote location and aim to provide a comfortable experience with fine food and beverages to compliment the fabulous scuba diving.
An exciting option on some of the liveaboard boats is to take a
deep sea submersible down to the ocean depths of Cocos on a once-in-a-lifetime dive to see deep sea creatures and landscapes way beyond recreational scuba limits. Imagine looking up through the glass viewing bubble of the submersible to the ocean's surface 328ft (100m) above and witnessing the silhouettes of a school of hammerheads or a squadron of mobula rays overhead!
> [More details:
Cocos Island Trips]
Caño Island Trips
As an alternative in Costa Rica, some liveaboards operate scuba cruises to sample the diving delights of Caño Island which is much closer to the mainland. This can be an option if your visit is between January through early June. You can expect more color here and more in the way of coral reefs. There is a greater variety of tropical reef fish here than in Cocos but less in the way of large pelagic action. You may however encounter sharks, rays, turtles and maybe even dolphins and whales if you are lucky. [More details on these dive sites:
Key Costa Rican Travel Facts
> [More details:
Caño Island Trips]