Blue Corner (and Blue Holes)
The first dive site on everyone's lips in relation to Palau is usually Blue Corner. Here it's all about the schools of fish. Big schools and lots of them. Even the most experienced scuba diver can be left dumbstruck by the volume of fish and sharks; sharks galore ... You can expect to see snappers, jacks, chevron barracuda and red-toothed triggerfish in vast numbers. There are also plenty of sharks, tuna, wahoo, groupers and eagle rays as well as green and hawksbill turtles.
Show moreIf that's not enough for you then
throw in some Napoleon wrasse, and some show stoppers like hammerhead sharks, manta rays, sailfish, whale sharks and even whales and you will begin to think that Blue Corner sounds like a site from a work of fiction. Of course you won't see all these things on a single dive, but you will see plenty of them and probably dive here on multiple occasions.
Another nearby site is
Blue Holes which is really just a continuation of Blue Corner. You will probably dive here too and spend your time exploring a variety of caverns and caves including some that are only meant for experienced cave divers. After swimming over the top of the reef you will drop down into one of the 4 holes in the reef. Below this makes for very interesting shafts of light illuminating the myriad fish and corals below. You can add a dash of 'Blue Corner' to this dive by hooking on in a current-washed spot and checking out the mesmerising shark and pelagic action.
> [More details:
Blue Corner (and Blue Holes)]
German Channel
This famous Palau location gets its name from the channel that was cut through the shallow reef between the Ngemilis Islands and Ngercheu Island, connecting the lagoon to the open ocean, during occupation by German forces in World War 2. Nowadays it is better known as a hotspot for any creature that wants to enjoy the busy cleaning station. You can expect manta rays, eagle rays, lots of grey reef sharks, white tip sharks and impressive schools of fish.
Show moreTidal movements cause a large amount of water to be funnelled through this relatively tight and very shallow channel. This makes it impossible to scuba dive the channel itself, so you will drop in at the southwest mouth of the channel. Descending here you will see the reef slope from about 10m to around 40m before then dropping vertically into the abyss. The slope features a sandy area with rocky outcrops where cleaner wrasses and butterflyfish nibble parasites from the skin of
graceful and grateful manta rays, sharks and large reef fish.
Manta numbers tend to be highest during the mating season, between December and March. It's best to hang back and stay still if you want nature to reveal itself in all its splendour. What a lovely show! While it can be very entertaining to stay and watch this amazing activity for a while, there will also be a lot of other action going on. Jacks in big numbers will be schooling around, as may snappers, barracuda and the occasional eagle ray.
For those seeking action on a smaller scale, German Channel also delivers with fields of garden eels craning their heads into the current to feed, mantis shrimp busily scuttling over the floor, jawfish gawping up from their sandy lairs, and shrimpgoby partnerships doing their Spring cleaning. Cuttlefish, nudibranchs and crocodilefish are also commonly seen here and indeed this site is often dived at night since the level of nocturnal activity is equally amazing (although on a smaller scale) as it is in the daytime.
Also worth noting is the vibrant impressive hard coral here. You will likely drift over large patches of pristine lettuce coral and the occasional giant clam before surfacing using your safety sausage to warn the frequent boat traffic of your presence. By the time your tank is getting low, you will likely be chalking German Channel up as one of the ultimate dives of Palau.
Peleliu Wall (& Cut)
As the dive boat slowly makes its way along towards the island of Peleliu, it is hard to believe that this was the scene of some of the most horrific fighting and suffering in World War II as featured on the TV Series, The Pacific. It is amazing to imagine that after the horror of war and immense loss of life on both sides, many scuba divers, including you, would come here simply for pleasure; and what a pleasure it is!
Show moreThis site (or combination of sites, depending on current strength) is one that showcases all that is magnificent about diving in Palau. You might emerge from the water having witnessed a larger number of fish and sharks than you have ever seen before on a single dive and be in a state of current-whipped delirium.
Normally you will begin this dive by entering along Peleliu Wall near a section of the reef called Peleliu Cut. You can hook on near the top of the reef, around 10 metres, and enjoy the grey reef sharks and whitetips that patrol the area, surrounded by schools of jacks and barracuda. You will then drop down to around 30m, keeping the reef on your left shoulder, and explore the caverns and indentations of what is a magnificent reef slope. Here there are numerous sea fans and black corals as well as some extraordinarily long sea whips stretching their thin fingers out into the blue.
With reef hook at the ready, you will be make your way to Peleliu Corner where you need to hook on. Here the action really begins, but be warned that current here and indeed throughout this dive can be strong, often the strongest you'll experience in Palau.
Virtually every big hitting pelagic has been known to put in an appearance here. You are unlikely to see them all but this spot has been known to feature bull sharks, tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks, whale sharks, silky sharks, marlin, sperm whales and killer whales - and that's on top of the usual array of meaty Palau fish, more usually-sighted sharks and turtles! Some of the schools here are incomprehensibly enormous.
Unhooking when remaining air tells you it is time, you will be lifted up and over the top of the plateau to which you drift and into the open ocean for your safety stop. Before rising to run down your tank, you can enjoy swirling masses of pyramid butterflyfish, square and purple anthias, Moorish idols and the occasional sea snake, among many more creatures. What a pleasant end to one of the world's most exciting, adrenalin-filled underwater experiences!
The Big Drop Off
This drop-off is big. From near the surface to over 285 metres is big in any diver's logbook. To many this is considered one of the finest wall dives in the world, not only in Palau. Expect impressive life and thousands of little and large reef fish in the shallows, a wall bejewelled with spectacular sponges and corals and sharks out in the blue. The drop-off may be big but yet you will soon forget about the yawning chasm beneath you when spellbound by the kaleidoscope of colour on this sheer wall which runs the length of Ngemelis island.
Show moreThe site can be dived in either of 2 directions, depending on the current, and is equally impressive either way. As you drift along the wall past large gorgonian fans, purple soft corals and leather corals, anthias and butterflyfish flutter all around you. In the fissures and recesses of the walls look out for lionfish, stonefish, nudibranchs and leaffish. You might even
cruise past a hawksbill turtle resting on a ledge. Occasional anemones are home to either Clark's or blue-striped anemonefish.
All manner of angelfish can be spotted here including dwarf, emperor, regal and keyhole, among others. Turning away from the fun of the wall and staring into the blue, you can spot passing white tip sharks and grey reef sharks. There may be an occasional leopard shark and nurse shark too, likely resting on the sandy floor.
The New Drop Off
As you drop down the vertical wall, enormous colourful gorgonian fans span their wide reach into the water column. Together with the numerous soft corals and sponges, they create a vertical carpet of pink and purple. As you make your way to the corner, look out for grey reef sharks if you can see them through the cascading masses of pyramid butterflyfish, red-toothed triggerfish, various species of angelfish and yellowtail fusiliers.
Show moreThe location can be identified at low tide by the top of the reef becoming exposed above the water line. It is a site located at the meeting point of 2 reef walls which form a corner that drops to around 150m in depth. Most of the shark action takes place as scuba divers hang in the blue at the corner amid swirling masses of reef fish, barracuda and passing eagle rays.
Moving on from there, the reef changes from a sheer abyss to more of a gentle slope. Here you can find Napoleon wrasse and snappers as you make your way towards another corner at about 15m. Ready your reef hook as you will feel the current start to build as may wish to hook on and enjoy the action.
Shallower sections of the reef are worth investigating in the low current conditions for moray eels, nudibranchs and leaffish. Only in little or no current is this a place for inexperienced divers. Safety sausages are a good idea at all times but particularly at sites like the New Drop off where there is quite a lot of boat traffic overhead.
Ulong Channel
This site is a shallow channel through the western barrier reef of Ulong Island. The sandy floor lies at a maximum depth of only 13m and there is life in patches all along the floor and continuously along the little slopes on either side. The site has so much variety there is really more than can be taken in on a single dive. Many frequent visitors consider it among their favourite spots in Palau.
Show moreNormally you will begin by dropping down to about 20m in a spot north of the channel. During the first few minutes of the dive you will probably use your reef hook to secure a spot, near the channel entrance, to watch the passing grey reef sharks and white tip sharks.
When you unhook, the current will funnel you down through the channel. In the channel you can see schools of jacks, batfish and barracuda. At full moon from April to July you can see schooling, spawning groupers. There are also often stingrays and grey reef sharks, although danger is most likely to come in
the shape of a titan triggerfish protecting its nest so be careful not to pass directly overhead.
Little bommies and coral patches appear across the channel floor and there is one huge, magnificent patch of lettuce corals which rises to above 7 metres in height; so mighty yet so fragile. It is also inhabited by countless small colourful reef fish and is sometimes referred to as one of the "fish condos of Palau". Ulong Channel is quite shallow so your air can go a long way. If you unhook from the entrance of the channel and the current is very strong, the dive can go by in a flash so follow the lead of your guides in sensing when it is best to unhook and go with the flow.
From the dive boat you may be able to see red painted rock engravings (petroglyphs) on the high cliffs of the islands painted by the ancestors of modern day Palauans.
The Deep South
The little explored marine reserve of Helen Reef is located a full day’s out from Koror; however, scuba divers in the know will confirm it is very much worth the effort. It’s protected status and remoteness mean that this coral atoll, and the nearby islands of Hatohobei and Sonsorol, remain as nature intended and is absolutely buzzing with life. It is one of the most species-rich reefs in the entire Pacific, with over 500 species of fish, 282 species of hard coral and 43 species of soft coral. You will see vast schools of fish, as well as nurse, grey reef and blacktip reef sharks, dolphins and manta rays. There are also plenty of pelagics in trevallies, tuna, rainbow runners, blue marlin, mahi mahi, moon fish, and bigger oceanic sharks. The atoll is also an important and thriving nesting ground for sea turtles.