Communication With Dive The World

Contact Us

We try to make your life as easy as possible. So there are many and varied ways that you can communicate with us, depending on your own preference and convenience:

(If you'd like to put a face to who you're chatting with, you can find all the Dive The World staff photos and bios on our About us page).


Text Chat

Use our Live Chat feature or Whatsapp to chat with an online agent and get your questions resolved quickly. We are online almost 24/7 and, yes, we are real divers just like you!

(text only: +44 7360 261245)


Send Us an Enquiry

Use our web contact form to send us your liveaboard, dive resort, day trip or course inquiry ...


Email Us

If your travel requirements are very different use this email link. We love a challenge - tell us exactly what you are looking for and we will tell you where to find it. Send us an email to:



Call Us

We find text chat more useful than a phone call because we can provide more detailed answers and save a copy for future reference. However, if you need to chat with us in person:

(telephone: +44 7360 261245)


Send Us a Review

Complete our simple customer feedback (QA) questionnaire and send us your comments on your latest diving vacation:


Join Our Social Community

If you are the social type that likes to meet fellow divers, you can find us on social media. Join our pages to check out all the latest information, plus competitions, customer photos, meet like-minded people, and more:


Bookmark Our Blog

Check out our Travel The World blog for all the latest news, special offers, and other goings-on in the world of travel and scuba:



We no longer publish a newsletter but you can access and read our newsletter archive: