Dive The World Customer Services

Quality Assurance Questionnaire

Many thanks for choosing Dive The World's services. We hope you had a truly wonderful diving vacation experience and, when you fill in and return this email to us, you will be entitled to a 5-10% discount off your next dive adventure booked through us.

We ask you to tell us a little about your trip. We take this process very seriously and assure you that your remarks will be followed-up by Dive The World on your behalf.

If you are unsure of any information then just leave that field blank.

Also, don't forget to recommend us to your friends and claim a discount voucher of up to USD 100 (see our 'Terms & Conditions' page for more details).

* - Indicates required information.

Contact Details

Dive Operator Service...

1. Please rate their service e.g. equipment, staff, facilities:

Dive The World Service...

2. Describe the best part of the service from Dive The World:

3. How can we improve our services in the future?

Website Owners...

4. Please advise us of the url if you have your own website:


Dive The World will never sell, rent, barter or otherwise share any of your details with any unconnected third party for any reason, ever!

That's it! Press the 'SEND' button once, then wait for your 'thank you' page to display.

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