Disney Land
With a name like Disney Land, it is no surprise that this site was named by the legendary American diver Larry Smith. From the surface the site appears to be a small island of rock breaking through the surface. Below the waves is a series of sloping reefs, many of which are covered by masses of black coral as far as the eye can see. There are often a lot of sweetlips and snapper on the site. In the sometimes strong current they are most often found nestling in sheltered spots close to the reef and among the corals. This is a relatively shallow dive site as most of the fun takes place in less than 18 metres of depth.
Show moreOne creature of particular interest
here is the wobbegong shark. This unmistakeable bottom-dwelling, carpet shark can be seen lying with its flat body against the sand with its frilly whisker tassles protruding from around its mouth. They are very well camouflaged so keep your eyes peeled otherwise you might just swim over the top of one and miss it.
GT Rock
One of the reasons why divers love Triton Bay is that at some sites, when the conditions are just right, the volumes of fish can be extraordinary. Unusual therefore that GT Rock should take its name from a single species - the giant trevally. When the current is flowing this can be one of those dive sites with a lot of action going on including
the eponymous giant trevallies, tuna, fusiliers darting around in the blue. You might be out there too, being pushed along by the sometimes very strong current.
Show moreCloser to the reef will lurk large numbers of grunts, sweetlips and red snapper sheltering from the current. If you need a breather then it is always wise to drop in on the leeside of some pinnacle or jutting part of the wall to relax for a while. In the absence of the current there may not be such heart-stopping action, but it is worth investigating the reef for some of the smaller creatures such as scorpionfish, hawkfish and
pygmy seahorses. Also keep an eye on the sandy bed for wobbegongs and rays.