Hin Daeng
Red Rock is a submerged boulder pinnacle where, looking at the bare rocks above water, you would have no idea that it is such a beautiful dive site below water. Healthy soft corals in various shades of red are all around here and plenty of small scale action goes on. One of the most impressive sights is that of
a silver wall of trevally cruising past.
However, diving at Hin Daeng is not always about paying attention to the foreground since there are frequent sightings of graceful mantas swooping by and overhead. There will be no mistaking the
presence of a whale shark should you be lucky enough to be there at the right time since the tank banging and mood of excitement will alert you to the arrival of this most awesome fish.
Hin Muang
Purple Rock is were you will find Thailand's highest vertical wall, bejewelled with vibrant purple soft corals. One side of the submerged rock levels out at around 60 metres and the other disappears into the abyss. Vast carpets of anemones cover shallower sections of the reef while sea fans cling precariously to the steep walls.
Hin Muang is good for big fish, but also for macro life. Don't be surprised to see a photographer focusing on some tiny critter on the rock, happily oblivious to a manta ray soaring overhead. Grey reef sharks and
leopard sharks are often seen patrolling the depths. Hin Muang is a larger dive site than Hin Daeng but due to its relative greater depth, most of it lies in waters beyond the reach of the Thai diving masses and so it tends to be less crowded than its neighbour.