Diving with Turtles

Underwater Ninjas

Turtles are among the best loved of sea-dwelling creatures. This is due both to their cute appearance and personality, as well as their declining numbers and their need for human protection, turtles are among the best loved of sea-dwelling creatures.

There are several different types of turtle throughout the world so here we concentrate on those you are most likely to see in dive destinations covered by Dive The World, particularly Thailand, Malaysia, the Maldive Islands, Indonesia and Fiji. These are commonly referred to as green, hawksbill, olive ridley and leatherback turtles.

In some diving locations you may encounter 2 or more of these different types of turtle so it pays to know a little bit about how they differ from one another. Next time you are cruising along and spot the elegant swimming movements of one of these majestic creatures, a little bit of knowledge will make the encounter all the more special.

Turtle Fact Sheet

Family name: Cheloniidae (with horny plated shells) and Dermochelyidae (plate-less shells)
Order name: Testudines
Common and Scientific names: Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricate), Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)

This introduction will guide you through the essentials of the magical experience of scuba diving with turtles, including their behaviour, habitat, and the best dive sites to encounter them. By understanding and protecting these animals, divers can ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy the awe-inspiring experience of sharing the ocean with one of the ocean's most gentle and ancient creatures.

Dive Sites for Sea Turtles

Probably the best place is off Malaysia's coast of Sabah where dive spots such as Sipadan offer great turtle diving opportunities.

The island of Sipadan (and many others around Sabah's eastern coast) is a nesting site for turtles. Divers who slip into the surrounding waters for the first time are often excited by their first sighting. The excitement can soon turn to amazement as on some dives spotting 20 to 30 different animals is not uncommon. Resting in ledges and on corals, rising to the surface to breathe, they are everywhere!

In Thailand, you can see turtles most frequently around the Similan Islands at sites such as Donald Duck Bay, but you maybe lucky enough to spot them just about at any of the destinations, throughout the country.

These creatures are also among the sights you can expect to find when diving in Komodo, in Indonesia although you may find yourself distracted with all the other fantastic marine life here.

More detailed information on diving destinations for encounters with these mighty paddlers:

Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean


Pacific Ocean

Red Sea / Middle East / Indian Ocean

South East Asia

Dive The World Recommendations: Sipadan Island, the Maldives, the Philippines, and the Similan Islands.

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