Diving with Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks

Mysterious Denizens of the Deep

Diving with sharks is a popular pursuit but not all shark dives are the same. One of the most awe-inspiring sights has to be diving with the hammerhead shark. Often seen in huge schools, no-one could forget the vision of so many of these incredible looking creatures weaving their way slowly against the current. Learn more about scalloped hammerheads before you too are witness to this amazing sight ...

It is thought that the hammer is used for gathering data since the shark's head swings as it swims. Previous assumptions were that the shape of the head prevents 3 dimensional vision, however researchers from Florida Atlantic University, have dispelled this myth and claim that hammerheads have "human like vision" with excellent stereo vision and depth perception. They can also see above and below them at the same time, giving them a unique advantage as predators. The drawback is that they have a large blind spot directly in front of their heads. Whatever the pros and cons, the advantages of the hammer shape must outweigh the drawbacks, since these sharks are widespread and can be seen in huge schools particularly where deep sea meets islands and sea-mounts.

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Fact Sheet

Family name: Sphyrna
Order name: Carcharhiniformes
Common name: Scalloped hammerhead shark
Scientific name: Sphyrna lewini

Averaging about 10 feet (3 metres) in length for mature adults, their name is derived from the notches or "scallops" that appear along the front edge of the hammer. These are missing on other hammerheads. Another typical characteristic is the free end tip of the second dorsal fin which nearly reaches the tail fin.

Dive Sites for Hammerhead Sharks

More detailed information on hammerhead shark diving destinations:

Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean


Pacific Ocean

Red Sea / Middle East / Indian Ocean

South East Asia

Dive The World Recommendations: Cocos Island, Galapagos, Socorro, Sudan, and Layang Layang.

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Ling Luong
Hong Kong

I was very pleased with the whole booking procedure, extra questions I needed answering and the correspondence with all the staff who helped me with my booking. I had no trouble or problems. You were all very polite