Diving with Dolphins

Man's Best Ocean-Dwelling Friend

Thought to be among some of the most intelligent animals on the planet, dolphins' playful, inquisitive nature have made them popular with divers and a fascination for all humans for as long as we have known of their existence. In fact, many cultures consider the dolphin to be a sacred and powerful creature to be revered and respected.

Dolphins are not usually threatened by the presence of humans; instead they maintain a healthy curiosity and seem to have as much of an interest in us as we do in them. They often travel alongside boats, and pop their heads out of the water to look at the people onboard or on shore. They have also been documented protecting swimmers from the threat of sharks.

Each year many people fulfill their dream of swimming with wild dolphins while either diving or snorkeling. This is a truly delightful and unforgettable experience and most people report it as one of the best moments of their lives.

Not only is it amazing to see these animals underwater in their natural habitat, most people feel a huge affinity with them. This may be due to the meeting of intelligences and the fact that dolphins tend to look into your eyes. These mammals have been declared the world's second most intelligent creatures after humans, and people often feel during an encounter that the dolphin is studying them as much as being the object studied!

There is some debate over whether it is better to snorkel or scuba dive on your dolphin encounter. It has been seen that they don't hesitate to approach snorkelers and will often swim among them but they can be more reluctant to approach divers. This may be due to the fact that they sometimes make bubbles underwater as a threat to other groups to keep away, so the bubbles produced using scuba equipment may make them wary. However in some parts of the world, wild dolphins have been documented actually playing with divers' bubbles and there exists video footage of this on the internet. What is clear though is that seeing these creatures underwater while diving and hearing their sounds is a big thrill, even if they don't directly approach.

In all situations, it's important to remember that these are wild animals and should be treated with respect. Never chase or attempt to touch the dolphins; let them come to you.

Dolphins are mammals and are thought to have evolved from hoofed land animals that lived about 50 million years ago. The largest species is the Orca also known as the “killer whale”, which can grow up to 9.6 metres long. They are not whales, but belong to the toothed cetacean family just like all dolphins do. They are called killer whales due to the fact that they feed largely on warm blooded prey and even hunt whales occasionally, therefore the name "killer (of) whales".

The most commonly known species is the “bottlenose dolphin" from ‘Flipper’ fame and seen in TV series, films and aquatic shows. Bottlenoses can grow up to 2.8 metres long.

Dolphin Fact Sheet

Family name: Delphinidae
Order name: Cetacea
Sub-order: Odontocetes
Common name: Dolphin
Scientific name: Delphinidae Delphis

They are part of the cetacean family which are mammals that are adapted to life in the water. The word cetacean is used to describe all whales, dolphins and porpoises in the order cetacea. This word comes from the Latin cetus meaning "a large sea animal," and the Greek word ketos, meaning "sea monster."

There are 32 species of oceanic and 5 species of river dolphin which are a closely related family.

Dive Sites for Dolphins

More detailed information on dolphin diving destinations:

Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean


Pacific Ocean

Red Sea / Middle East / Indian Ocean

South East Asia

Dive The World Recommendations: Cocos Island in the Eastern Pacific, Hurghada in the Red Sea and Komodo, Indonesia.

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