Diving with Seahorses

A Diver's Best Friend

Seahorses are mesmerising and magical marine creatures. It’s like they materialised from a young child’s dream with their horse like head, a tail akin to a monkey, eyes that move independently of each other and skin colour that changes like a chameleon.

They are one of 4 families in the syngnathiform family order which also includes pipefish, flag tail pipefish and seadragons. They like sheltered areas where they are well camouflaged. They camouflage themselves by changing colour quickly to blend in with their surroundings. They also allow encrusting organisms to settle on them and they can grow long skin appendages to match their surroundings even better.

During mating their skin will lighten and darken. Generally the easiest part of a seahorse to spot is the tail. They swim in an upright position with their tails down and their heads up. Their dorsal fin moves them forward and the pectoral fin controls steering and turning.

There are about 55 species of seahorses worldwide, and there may be as many sub-species. Identification can be problematic as individuals of the same species can vary greatly in appearance. The pygmy seahorse is a recently discovered relative of the common seahorse, many divers consider spotting a pygmy the highlight of their macro dive! A lot of deco time and a dive master familiar with the dive site will help in the search for these cryptic critters.

Seahorse Fact Sheet

Family name: Syngnathidae
Order name: Gasterosteiformes
Common name: Seahorse
Scientific name: Hippocampus

Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean


Pacific Ocean

Red Sea / Middle East / Indian Ocean

South East Asia

Dive The World Recommendations: Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.

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Conrad Sellers

A big thank you for your help. What a great day me and my wife had on the trip! Great boat, fantastic diving, an all round great day. We look forward to coming back next year