Diving with Barracuda

The Tiger of the Sea

Barracudas are perhaps one of the most feared marine creatures for non-divers but those in the know crave underwater encounters with these sleek and misunderstood creatures. However, many such scuba divers might agree that their villain appearance could send a shiver down their spines. With a set of large, fang-like teeth, no wonder barracuda are considered such brutal predators.

But the question is, are they really as dangerous as they are perceived to be? Well, despite their appearance and predatory success, reports of attacks on humans are very rare indeed.

In fact, this creature is more famous as a photographic model rather than as a criminal of the sea. Divers dream of being in the middle of a tornado of barracudas as they slowly circle around and around in a vortex. This can be one of the most memorable experiences in their log-books and scuba diving memories. So forget about their brutal legend and let's get to know this supposedly fearsome and undoubtedly interesting creature.

Barracuda Fact Sheet

Family name: Sphyraenidae
Order name: Perciformes
Common name: Barracuda
Scientific name: See below for various species names

Life Cycle

Soon after hatching, barracuda larvae settle in shallow estuaries where vegetation offers both protection and food to the larvae for around a year, until they grow into juveniles. Upon entering adulthood, they move to deeper waters in areas with reefs and remain there for the rest of their lives.

Unlike males that mature sexually within the first 3 years of their lives, females take about 4 years. Interestingly, it is not possible to visually differentiate between the genders of this fish.

The age of a barracuda can be measured from the number of rings produced each year in its scales or in a tiny structure called an Otolith found in its ear. Barracudas can live up to 14 years.

Dive Sites for Barracuda

These fish can be found at all our dive destinations, so here we have selected those that offer the best encounters:

Caribbean Sea / Atlantic Ocean


Pacific Ocean

Red Sea / Middle East / Indian Ocean

South East Asia

Dive The World Recommendations: Pulau Sipadan, Ari Atoll and the Banda Islands.

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Paolo Pastore Stocchi

I would certainly use Dive The World again. I found what I was expecting to find, good dive guide and dive instructor, good food and kind crew onboard. My arrival and departure was well arranged and the cruise was safe and pleasant. There's not much to improve on. Things worked well