How to know Dive The World are safe to deal with

Recently a bargain-bucket on-line diving travel business has appeared to collapse. It seems, from what customers are saying in forums and on Facebook, that in some cases the company has taken their money and not made their bookings. The people who were the faces of the company appear to have gone underground and there seem to be quite a few irate customers left with nothing.

Understandably this raises the question of whether people could see Dive The World in the same light. For the reasons below we can show how we are a very different type of business and very different types of people.

The Nature of Our Business

We strive to be a helpful, useful service to divers planning a holiday. We want to be able to give you information you cannot get elsewhere. We are divers and we want to share our honest and impartial opinions with you to help make sure you really get what you want, so:

  • We don’t sell just anywhere
    Some operators aim to sell every single country on earth that has a coastline. We started small, selling where we know best and slowly expanding taking in areas we extensively research and visit. This ensures we only sell places where we can, hand-on-heart, recommend the diving. We have chosen not to sell some destinations because they did not live up to the hype.
  • We don’t sell just anyone
    When we visit the places we sell, we stay and dive with many operators. Through a rigorous assessment process we decide who we can recommend in each destination. Factors such as reliability, cleanliness and safety can and have made us reject operators, sometimes those with ‘big’ reputations.

Real Relationships, Real People, Real Representation

Sheldon Hey, Dive The World General Manager, at home in Umkomaas, South AfricaGavin Macaulay, Dive The World's Marketing Manager

Some agents feature loads of operators on their site and in reality they do not even have a working relationship with them. They simply have them on the site to make it look like they have lots of choice but the operators won’t actually take bookings from them.

  • We know all our operators and welcome customers verifying with them if we are a reliable and authorised agent of theirs.

In addition to our offices and representatives in Thailand, Malaysia and South Africa, we have a dive centre in Patong, Phuket. Everyone knows where it is. It is right here. We have been in operation for many years and are a very high profile diving company known throughout the diving community.

  • We are a long established and reputable diving company and are not going to do a disappearing act.

Several months ago a liveaboard company in the Maldives suddenly ceased to operate and cancelled trips our customers were booked on. We quickly organized and paid for alternative trips for our customers without guarantee of remuneration. Our customers all enjoyed their holidays on alternative boats. It took several months and the instruction of lawyers in the Maldives for us to be repaid the money we had paid out. Instead of our customers suffering, we shouldered all the risk.

  • We take our customers side, we don’t side against you. We want you to be happy with our service and to use us again for diving in another location.

Good Prices, Great Service and Reliability.
Beware the Bargain Bucket.

We always try to make sure we have good deals available to you and we will sell at no more than the operators published rate. However we can often agree with operators special arrangements to sell at cheaper than this because we know that everyone loves a good deal!

So beware of absolute bargain bucket operators who cut every corner just to present the lowest price to you in the hope of getting your business. Just like no frills airlines will take no responsibility for you missing flight connections, the same applies when it comes to this business.

If you pay absolute rock bottom prices, expect absolute rock bottom treatment, particularly if anything should go wrong.

So when you are searching through the Dive The World destinations you can be sure that you are not doing so blindly. There is already an element of quality assurance. Our sales team are always on hand to help you, inform you and guide you to your next dream diving holiday.

Categorized under: Scuba Diving
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Published 9 Feb 2009