Aggressor Celebrates 23 Years of Live-Aboard Diving

On November 17, 1984, a 100-ft., 16 passenger live-aboard dive yacht cruised into Georgetown Harbor, Grand Cayman.

The Cayman Aggressor , which offered divers a revolutionary way of diving and innovation amenities such as private staterooms and on-board E-6 processing, raised eyebrows in the local and international diving communities. Now, twenty three (23) years, eleven (11) destinations, twelve (12) live-aboards later, Aggressor Fleet continues to turn heads by meeting the diving world’s needs with its original revolutionary style.

Today’s divers have greater expectations, and Aggressor gladly accepts their challenges with the latest conveniences. The newest Aggressors offer personal comforts such as hot tubs, staterooms with private baths, individual climate controls and DVD players, on-board computer stations for e-mailing and digital scanning, satellite phones, defibrillators, digital cameras/housings for underwater photography and the list goes on.

Through Dive The World you can dive on Fiji Aggressor II and North Sulawesi Aggressor

Check out some of the dive sites visited by these fantastic liveaboard boats:
Sulawesi Dive Sites
Fiji’s Bligh Water and Koro Sea Dive Sites

Soon we will be launching a Dive The World Liveaboards website where you will be able to book all the other great destinations that the Aggressor fleet visits: The Maldives, Belize, Cayman Islands, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Fiji, Galapagos, Hawaii, Palau, Turks and Caicos and Utila.

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Published 16 May 2007