Seasonal Marine Life Migrations: Best Times and Places to Dive 

Snorkelling among fish on a coral reef – Freepik

Each year, a breathtaking spectacle unfolds beneath the ocean waves as marine life embarks on epic migrations. The timing of these migrations isn’t random; it’s intricately linked to the seasons, water temperature, and food availability.

For divers, these migrations present a unique opportunity to witness an astounding variety of sea creatures in action. But to truly make the most of this, timing and location are everything. Where should you go, and when?

Let’s dive into the best times and places to observe some of the world’s most magnificent seasonal marine migrations.

1. The Sardine Run, South Africa

Best Time to Dive: May to July
Location: Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal

The Sardine Run is sometimes called the “Greatest Shoal on Earth.” Each winter, billions of sardines travel along South Africa’s coastline, attracting a frenzy of predators – sharks, dolphins, and even humpback whales join in on the action. This migration can stretch over 1,000 kilometers, and the sheer density of fish can be up to 7,000 sardines per cubic meter. Divers who brave the chilly waters are rewarded with views of feeding frenzies and coordinated attacks by multiple species. The spectacle is dizzying, fast-paced, and utterly exhilarating. Just remember, the sardine run is unpredictable – one minute, the ocean is calm, and the next, it’s a churning mass of scales, fins, and teeth.

2. Humpback Whale Migration, Tonga

Best Time to Dive: July to October
Location: Ha’apai Islands, Vava’u

If you’ve ever wanted to swim with giants, there’s no better opportunity than the humpback whale migration to Tonga. These majestic creatures travel from the Antarctic to the warm waters of Tonga to breed and give birth. Divers can experience intimate encounters with these gentle giants, observing mothers with their calves in the crystal-clear waters. Humpbacks are also known for their songs, and you might hear them communicating over distances of up to 20 kilometers. It’s an awe-inspiring experience, made even more magical by Tonga’s vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine biodiversity.

3. Manta Ray Aggregation, Maldives

Best Time to Dive: May to November
Location: Hanifaru Bay, Baa Atoll

The Maldives is famous for its luxurious resorts and stunning waters, but beneath the surface, it’s a paradise for manta ray enthusiasts. Each year, from May to November, nutrient-rich waters attract hundreds of manta rays to Hanifaru Bay. Here, divers can witness up to 150 manta rays in one place, gracefully somersaulting through the water in feeding frenzies. These rays can have wingspans of up to 7 meters, making for an impressive sight. Despite their size, mantas are gentle and harmless, allowing divers to observe their feeding rituals up close. The Maldives’ monsoon season might seem like an unlikely time for diving, but this is when the mantas congregate in huge numbers, offering a truly unforgettable experience.

[If you can’t afford to travel around the world to witness these magnificent migrations first hand, don’t worry – you can enjoy documentaries on these annual events by using a VPN and watching them online.]

4. Hammerhead Sharks, Cocos Island, Costa Rica

Best Time to Dive: June to November
Location: Cocos Island

Cocos Island, about 550 kilometers off Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, is a magnet for hammerhead sharks during the wet season. The island’s nutrient-rich currents bring schools of these distinctive sharks together, often numbering in the hundreds. Diving here is an advanced experience, with currents that require some skill to navigate, but the reward is a front-row seat to the spectacle of hammerheads swimming in formation. Cocos Island is sometimes called the “Island of the Sharks,” and with good reason – whitetip reef sharks, tiger sharks, whale sharks, and silky sharks also make appearances. Diving among these creatures in such large numbers is an adrenaline rush like no other.

5. Sea Turtles, Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula

Sea turtles swimming over a coral reef – Freepik

Best Time to Dive: May to September
Location: Akumal Bay, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen

The beaches of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula are world-famous for their nesting sea turtles. Green turtles and loggerhead turtles migrate here to lay their eggs, and divers can swim alongside these ancient mariners in the shallow coastal waters. The turtles’ nesting season spans from May to September, peaking in the summer months. During this period, tens of thousands of sea turtles visit the shores, making it one of the best times for turtle sightings. Akumal Bay is particularly popular, offering clear waters and easy access to turtle-filled seagrass beds.

6. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Best Time to Dive: November to December (Coral Spawning)
Location: Queensland Coast, Great Barrier Reef

One of the world’s natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef, hosts a phenomenon called coral spawning each year. Shortly after the full moon in November, corals release millions of eggs and sperm into the ocean in an event that resembles an underwater snowstorm. The sheer quantity of these tiny coral particles can be astonishing – scientists estimate that up to billions of gametes are released during this synchronized spawning.

7. California Gray Whale Migration, Baja California, Mexico

Best Time to Dive: January to April
Location: San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California

Gray whales travel over 10,000 kilometers annually from the Arctic to Baja California, where they mate and give birth in the warm lagoons. San Ignacio Lagoon is one of the best places to witness these whales, as they’re known to approach boats, sometimes even allowing people to touch them. While diving in the lagoon itself isn’t allowed, nearby coastal dives offer a chance to encounter other marine life attracted by the whales’ presence, such as dolphins, rays, and various shark species.


So, pack your fins, grab your dive gear, and plan for the season of your life. From the thundering sardine runs in South Africa to the tranquil beauty of sea turtles in Mexico, there’s a migration waiting just for you. Remember, the ocean is vast, the creatures are breathtaking, and the adventure is just beginning.

Cindy Moss

Published 21 Oct 2024