International travel agencies

Dive travel questions

Dive travel questions

For many people buying a holiday or a tourist activity online presents no more of a problem than buying a loaf of bread from the cornershop. Indeed, for some people it might even be easier! They are confident in being able to search for what they need on the internet. They can find the best deals in the destinations that they are interested in, and the best time to go. They can assess whether an option will provide the level of quality or luxury they are looking for, and they can judge the credibility or trustworthiness of the business that owns the site. They feel assured that when they make a payment, their card provider will support them with appropriate security against fraud and insurance against cancellation.

However for other people, life on the internet is not so simple. Older people (and some younger people too) are often not so adept at finding their way through the morass of online information. Perhaps the website is not available in their home language. Or perhaps they need to speak to someone who understands their own cultural idiosyncrasies, or maybe they need information about local events that might effect ability to travel, or tax or insurance advice, or maybe they prefer to pay in a local bank, or they are particular about the food that they eat … There are many reasons why some people may be cautious to pay for a potentially expensive travel option online.

If you would prefer to make a reservation for a scuba diving holiday with an agent in your home country or mother tongue, then we can recommend these online options:


Tauchreisen & MeerWebsite
Angerzellgasse 4
6020 Innsbruck – Austria

Wir sind ein erfahrener Tauchreise-Veranstalter spezialisiert auf individuelle Tauchreisen, Tauchsafaris und Kombi-Reisen! Sie wollen tauchen lernen oder einen Tauchkurs machen? Wir planen Ihre Reise genau wie Sie wollen und bringen Sie zu den schönsten Tauchgebieten der Welt!

[We are an experienced dive tour operator specializing in individual dive trips, liveaboards and combined trips. Do you want to learn to dive or take a diving course? We plan your trip exactly as you want and take you to the most beautiful diving areas in the world.]


Mastro Viaggiatore SrlWebsite | Blog
Via Confienza, 10
10121 Torino – Italy

Siamo un tour operator fondato da subacquei per subacquei. Abbiamo provato e selezionato le più spettacolari immersioni e crociere in giro per il mondo: dagli incontri con grandi squali, mante e altri giganti dell’oceano alle barriere coralline e ai relitti più belli.

[We are a tour operator founded by divers for divers. We have tried and selected the most spectacular scuba-trips and liveaboards around the world: from encounters with large sharks, manta rays and other giants of the ocean, to the most beautiful coral reefs and wrecks.]


Funkey TripWebsite
6f Seungji Building, 88 Namshun Circulation Road
Seocho-gun, Seoul 88, Korea

대한민국을 대표하는 스쿠버다이빙 에이전시입니다. 전세계 아름다운 바다를 한국의 모든 다이버들에게 알리고자 하는 목적으로, 리브어보드 예약 대행 서비스를 제공하고 직접 투어를 계획하여 모집 진행하고 있습니다. 인생에서 가장 기억에 남을 아름다운 여행을 펀키트립과 함께 하세요!

[Korea’s leading scuba diving agency. We provide liveaboard booking agency services and plan and recruit tours directly to inform all divers in Korea of the beautiful seas around the world. Take a fun trip with Funkey Trip that will make your life memorable and beautiful!]

Please contact us if you would like to be listed here.

Categorized under: Scuba Diving
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Published 24 Apr 2021